CASE STUDY: ChemGrout CG500 – Grouting Rock Bolts


Tahmoor Coal Mine is an underground coal mining operation situated in the Southern Highlands Region of New South Wales, which is located just south of the Tahmoor Township and approximately 75km south west of Sydney. Tahmoor Coal Mine operates in the Bulli coal seam, with the majority of its product being hard coking coal while also producing small amounts of
steaming blend coal. Both the coking coal, used for steel making and the steaming blend, used for power generation, are sold to European and Asian markets.

Job Description

The Mine is currently developing coal underneath the town of Picton and will soon mine an area directly below the main south railway line linking cities of Sydney and Melbourne. A brick lined culvert installed many years ago within the rail track embankment that provides a passage for water from one side of the embankment to the other was in need of structural re-enforcement to prevent further subsidence prior to the ground below being developed by the mine operator Glencore.
A process of meshing and drilling several hundred rock anchors into the earth, grouted into position transfers loads from unstable exterior surfaces to the interior of the rock mass ensuring no further subsidence is evident, protecting an infrastructure asset located directly above (a working railway line).

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